Murphy’s Day
Murphy Murphy

Murphy’s Day

It’s hard for most humans to believe that some days I just don’t want to scout. True, usually I am up, ready and panting at the gate, impatiently waiting for it to be opened.

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Administrative BS

Administrative BS

Sometimes I absolutely hate that I am the only one with thumbs here! It must fall to me to do all these fun and lovely tasks like secure email, LLC’s, taxes, advertising, and such. I would much rather be digging holes, herding, or hunting small game, but no, I’m stuck here in the office, on yet another beautiful day!

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Marshall the Great Bush Crafter
Marshall Marshall

Marshall the Great Bush Crafter

AH! The great outdoors. Nothing refreshes the mind more than a great view, fresh air, relaxation, and freewill. Hence why most people love to go outside and stay there for a while. This includes Marshall.

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Bug Out Bag

Bug Out Bag

While I do realize that each pack member needs a B.O.B. of their own, I have started with one for myself first. Starting somewhere is much better than not starting at all. And the whole pack will benefit from even just one starter bag.

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