Murphy’s Day


It’s hard for most humans to believe that some days I just don’t want to scout. True, usually I am up, ready and panting at the gate, impatiently waiting for it to be opened. (And sometimes, I don’t wait, I dig under, squeeze through a gap that appears to be less than half my size, or get a running start, and catapult over.) Yet there are days, rare days, when I just want to lay around and chew. What made scouting today even less attractive, was that my best bud Reedus was away and would not be accompanying me. With winter around the corner though, I needed to do my part and see if I could come up with some work, or barter for supplies.

Once I started off, I was actually quite glad to be out on such a crisp fall day. I headed to the countryside, where I have been before but not recently. Almost immediately I found my first job, digging holes, my favorite thing! In just over an hour, I had earned enough bones for everyone in our pack, even MOG, the human, but she never eats hers. Great start! After quite a while more of wandering around in the vast land, I wasn’t finding anything to do, so I headed downtown.

I went into the square and stopped by all my usual places, trying to barter but everyone seemed to have the same staples as me, honey and eggs. The square is growing rapidly though, and I did meet some new shop keepers. I even helped one nice lady pull a rather large sign across the street. Not for trade or money or anything but just to be a good dog neighbor.

After such a great start to the day I headed home just a little disappointed. As I was crossing a field that I had crossed many times before, I smelled a smell that I hadn’t smelled. It was peculiar, intriguing and somewhat pleasant. I immediately went into investigative mode, nose to ground. As I sniffed and sniffed, and sniffed some more, I noticed another dog sniffing across the vast field, with a human in tow. I sniffed, he sniffed all the while getting closer to each other and the scent.

I sniffed it out first! A wooden spoon?! Weird, but it was still chew worthy. I sat down and started business. The human came running at me and yelling. The other dog was barking up a storm. Apparently, I had ruined their game of GeoScenting, some game city dogs play. I left their spoon and the field. I headed home. I’ll never understand city dogs!


Murphy mostly stays on property helping out with many departments. At times he may accompany Reedus on an outside mission. He may also scout out Reedus if he's been away too long. That's what we do as a pack. We look out for each other!


Administrative BS