Pack Members


Marshall is our very able bushcrafter. His camping sites are equal to some of the best indoor homes in the county. He can build, dig, cover, or burn anything. If you want something fixed around the camp he can do it. He’s even learned how to tie dozens of knots. All without thumbs! Amazing!


Zang is our homesteader. She runs the homestead. She seems to know everything about gardening, canning, raising chickens, and keeping our pack happy and healthy. She watches out for every pup in the pack.


Tyrone is our security expert. Smart as a whip and fast as a cheetah, he keeps everyone safe and secure. His job is to ensure each pup is well trained in self defense and always, always aware of their surroundings.


Marshall is our very able bushcrafter. His camping sites are equal to some of the best indoor homes in the county. He can build, dig, cover, or burn anything. If you want something fixed around the camp he can do it. He’s even learned how to tie dozens of knots. All without thumbs!


Colleen appears to be the typical female stereotype as her favorite activities are shopping and talking, but she actually is of great value to our pack. Without her every other department would suffer supply shortages. Without her communications would break down and there would be overlapping of some jobs, while others would remain undone. She is a great addition to our pack!


Lucy is a spitfire. She likes to be in the middle of everything. She always is aware of anything going on either on or near the homestead. She loves running along the gate with her good friend Luke. Together they sustain an unbeatable border patrol.


Luke is a very busy boy. He divides his time between Lucy and running the border, with Zang and running the herds. At the end of the day he falls out with his tiny legs, only to get up and do it all over again the next day, with joy and excitement.


Murphy mostly stays on property helping out with many departments. At times he may accompany Reedus on an outside mission. He may also scout out Reedus if he’s been away too long. That’s what we do as a pack. We look out for each other!


Reedus is our lone wolf. Except he’s really not alone anymore. He loves us and we love him. He acts aloof as he tries to hold on to his independence, but he keeps coming back. We are thankful for that! However far away he goes, however long he stays gone, he’ll forever have a home here with us!


MOG is here mostly because she has thumbs. Actually we’re just teasing but thumbs are super helpful. She types everything for us, does most of the administrative work, and provides us with cash. We are aiming to be 100% self-sufficient but we aren’t quite there yet. She also provides us with lots of love and affection.