Our Tale
Our wonderful pack of pruppers started with a curious pup named Gus. As it is with most puppies he was very excited to smell new smells, taste many things, see what he could chew up, and loved meeting other humans and dogs. With maturity and after many, many walks around the neighborhood, Gus’s curiosity turned to money. He didn’t understand why the people across the street, along with their three fun dogs, packed up and left. He didn’t understand why sometimes people left their beloved companion behind. He didn’t understand why humans that had been gone every day were now home all the time. He knew it had something to do with this strange thing called money, but he wanted, needed to comprehend what was happening. He became obsessed.
Gus had heard through the doggie grapevine that one of the local families moved, not from hardship, but through a huge windfall. That windfall was delivered from a digital currency called Bitcoin. Bitcoin and of course Dogecoin, started the investigation. Since then Gus has learned about fiat, precious metals, stocks, bonds, retirement funds, social programs, government and so much more.
While Gus was learning about financial matters, his good friend Zang was curious about something else. Her specialty was homesteading. She enjoyed herding sheep, chickens and snatching an occasional errant egg. She loved digging in the garden, and hanging out with her humans while they were prepping. Under their feet as they were canning, smoking, dehydrating, fermenting, and waxing, she would enjoy many scrappy treats.
Together they began the pack, along with Tyrone and Marshall. The four of them formed a pretty good team. Finances, homesteading, security and bushcrafting skills are a solid start, but as you’ll see, it takes a little more than that to survive. And why just survive? If you can build the right pack you can thrive! Follow Gus and his friends as they learn to be totally self-sufficient in an ever changing world.
Meet the Pack
Financial Investigator
Homesteading, Farming & Herding
Security, Weapons &
Self - Defense
Supplies & Communications
Border Control & Small Game Hunter
Border Control & Herding
Scout, Runner & Communications
Scout & Outside Security
Always looking to expand our community of pruppers!
Teaching sustainability through words!
Graphic Artists
Must love drawing dogs!
Help our pups learn skills!